I don't remember if I clicked on it or not, from my browser's history list I apparently didn't, I was just doing a quick catch up on the latest news and didn't have time to get really pissed off because I had other stuff I needed to get done. So I apparently just saw the title on the Latest Threads page. But I was seething all damn day about it.
Given just the title, I took it as an attack on asexual men and asexual people in general. Yes, they exist and they have as much right to their orientation as anybody else does. (I'm not one but I'm a minority in a number of other ways, so I get pissed off about any kind of attacks on people who are in the minority in some way or another who aren't harming anybody or doing anything wrong).
It could have been homophobic too, like I say, I apparently didn't read the post, just the title. I'm well aware of the widespread notion that he is a closet gay. If it was homophobic, that is just as wrong to ridicule about.
I was very appreciative having just read the thread (with the OP removed) at how some really let them know, and persistently, what they thought about it. Actually while I'm typing this just now, I recognize one of the names, thank you!
I'm also delighted about the post being removed.
Edited to add: I found the post in Google's cache. It could be either an attack on asexuality or homosexuality, but more likely the latter given that it is what it seems he is most often assumed to be.