Nearly every single one I've ever encountered loves them some Drumpf, and love to bash Democrats. They live in a reality where they think the Democrats are going to strip their freedoms and ban furries, while the QOP will protect those rights...
...And yet, who was it who ran a story about furries and sounded like they were horrified and disgusted? The appropriately-named Fox News. And when I presented that fact to a few of them, I got told how it was a lie, a deep fake, fake news (well, true. Fox IS fake news..) and to "quit listening to Hillary all the time!" because "It's the Dems who are going after us!" Which I've seen before. One of my (now former) Republiqan friends used to love to whine about how "Everyone's out to get Drumpf!" and when I'd point out the QOP hatred toward people like me, I'd hear "No! That's Hillary! Drumpf supports your rights! Hillary's gonna take them away!" You can't make this shit up.
Most of the Democrats I know just shrug at furries. "Yeah. I don't get it but as long as you're not hurting anyone... whatever." That's my own response as well. I don't "get it" but as long as no one's being hurt? Go for it.
Whenever I do encounter a Democratic furry, I'm as shocked as I would be if I saw a pair of stiletto heels boots in an REI. I don't know if they've just bought all the propaganda (maybe they figured "I'm a furry, so, I watch Fox..."?). I don't know if they've been infiltrated, as the reply above said. But whatever it is, the community is insanely right-wing. Which is why I don't have much to do with them online.
"Yeah.. You know, it's not the tiger avatar that bothers me... It's the extreme right-wing views. Just saying..."
And just like your typical MAGAts... They have nothing to say (or applaud) when other people gets their rights attacked. But the moment they even start to think theirs are under attack... NOW they care.