Which leaves 38 percent who are simpleton, judgemental jagoffs whose IQ likely comes closer to either percentage.
I don't regret rather extreme measures to get myself away from the violent homophobes who threatened to end my life repeatedly after I got outed in a small, redneck town. It's full on complex PTSD watching their ilk attack the capitol, reminded I wouldn't put it past many of them to, quote, "hunt you down and kill you someday cause you probably looked at my dick in the showers".
Never underestimate the resolve of these microcerebral goofballs, and though I trust posting here on DU, I've run into a few casually homophobic attitudes here as well.
DU'ers, there may be members of your own family need love and support. To that end, if you've never done a local Pride celebration, it's long overdue. You'll return with wonderful pictures and experiences to share, and...
It's possible someone you don't know well will reveal their wondrous life to you.
It's the "casual, not my problem" non-participation hurts us nearly as badly as the homophobes. Like how many of these LGBTQ posts seldom break even 10 rec's. Um... like wow.