It's these homophobic knee-jerk fuckers worldwide simply cannot get their heads out of the gutter.
Speaking as a teen runaway rescued by an elderly gay man who needed my help as desperately as I. Picture it: 1978 San Francisco: Sick as a dog from a black widow bite, the last thing I recall before being poked awake by Bill's cane was walking past City Hall, noting how surreal it all seemed to my altered state, walking a few blocks farther, a patch of grass in front of a empty lot/construction fence looked so inviting for a nap!
Bill awakened me, I can't recall all that I said to him but apparently it struck a nerve enough he had me follow him discreetly home to his apartment before the cops arrived. A fourth floor walk-up Bill could barely manage: he'd recently had his second triple bypass!
Nearly a year myself and his friends cared for him. NO ONE made any sexual advances, matter of fact I often was jibed as "chicken" none cared to pluck. My interest was in young men my age as well. My colored mustache (LOL patch of upperlip peach fuzz) kept the veneer of my "yup I'm 18" appearance up. Once trust gained, Bill was the only one knew the truth-- 17, hiding out from bullies who already had blood on their hands walking free from a prior "gay panic" defense.
It's likely I may not be here 45 years later to share this, thanks to assholes like these propagandists.
The blanket characterizations these RW groups define LGBTQ disgust me.
It's long about time the heterosupremecists started getting accused of pedophilia themselves, if just to engender an inkling of awareness of their accusations.