is repukes, they simply do not play by the rules.....lying, cheating and stealing are all SOP for the GOP......Democrats have to learn to fight back HARD but we consistently seem to try to take the high road....I know, I know, we don't want to sink to their level but we are essentially fighting FASCISM now, the rules have to be BENT....I was absolutely DISGUSTED how repukes were seemingly so easily able to stack the SC with lying rightwing hacks - Dems should have been raising holy hell about it but except for some grumbling they acted like it was business as usual. Here is another example - WHY is Al Franken gone but Matt Gaetz still remains? WTF!!!!!!!
We need to also hit back at the double standards the media has towards the parties...I've said this for some time now, but the GOP are treated like white men while Democrats are treated like women and POC (Dems have to be twice as good to be considered half as good) - I am SICK of it.
CALL OUT THESE FUCKING HYPOCRITES who feel the need to protect a 10 year old girl from books and drag queens but are A-OK with forcing her to give birth to a rapist's baby. ENOUGH ALREADY.