When "leaders" "lead" by attacking the trans community - trying to bar them from sports, trying to ban teens from HRT - this is what happens. This is what happens when cretins are allowed to dehumanize and "other" a vulnerable community. This is what happens when a goon like Dave Chappelle tapes a special that is basically one large attack upon the trans community. Make the ignorant see a trans person as a lesser person, or even a "threat", and they wind up being a target.
The actions and words of transphobes hurt. They hurt when they're said. They hurt when we have Republicans goons use the poison pen to legislate away our rights and equality. Then, they hurt even fucking more when "people" like these two monsters violently attack an innocent person. I know. I watched this happen with the LGB portion of the community when bigots went after marriage rights. Now it's happening against with the trans community.
Fuck these monsters. Lock them up. Lock them up for assault, and tack onto it for a hate crime - because that's exactly what this is.
How much are we expected to take?