Evolving with it. Fuck "norms" now half a century out of fashion.
"Boys wear blue, girls wear pink" simpltonisms previously disturbed me my entire life. "Battle of the sexes"
Finally, USA is overcoming the strict gender norms, thank heaven's. Misogynist, homophobic assholes finally are garnering the shame and disgust the MAGA'S are still attempting to retrograde back onto LGBT. Battles won, war of the empathy centered heart still embers.
In every bit a spectacular failure as the attempted coup. Not even close to denying the danger their well armed ilk pose.
Pride is the opposite of shame, fuck the pope, finally I'm seeing vindication of shouting "We're here, we're queer, get over it!" nearly 50 years ago now.
My parents and their ways are dead. Quelling the guilt syndrome for my unapologetic honesty with myself and others impoverished, depressed me terribly in a dark past gladly released, relieved, vindicated, rainbow flag 🌈 proudly and unapologetically displayed.
I came far too close to suicide due to bullying, banishment and a mistaken ignorance that there are millions like me. Exactly what the Westboro ilk want.
And yes, we will absolutely continue to "push it in the face" of the red-hatted, sardonic, mattress-cover equivalent wearing homophobes.
Yet there are still DU'ERS right here still trying to raise their offspring in a gay-free, ignorant bubble as expressed last year right in this LGBTQ thread!
(See a reaction about the school teacher forced to remove the rainbow flag from the classroom)