Many minorities, and even those who aren't, vote against their own interest when it comes down to brass tacks. There is actually a group called "Twinks for Trump".
Just like gays, lesbians, and bisexuals constantly being inundated with negative stereotypes, women face some of the same issues of feeling "less than". It takes a toll. It isn't just about how one votes, but how one sees him/herself. Look at the reactions from many female sexual assault and rape victims who blame themselves for the crime committed against them; though male victims can often feel the same shame. A woman is assertive, she's a bitch. She's upset or angry, even so much as a single tear, she's described as "hysterical". Women have to try twice as hard in order to be accepted, and sometimes have to "act like one of the guys" in order to get by in the world. GLB people have similar challenges. We are ignored, overlooked, fetishized (search "gay bars and bachelorette parties" ), and pitted against other minorities, sometimes within our community.
Internalized bigotry can take a real toll on an individual and can even insert itself into the greater community.