Is in-ing (as opposed to outing) celebrities still needed in today's society? [View all]
Hollywood has long used the media to "in" LGBT celebrities via photo ops, bogus published stories and shared movie casting. A case could be made that those actions preserved the careers of those celebrities thus it was acceptable to do so.
Fast forward to the modern day. Is there still a need for Hollywood or perhaps PR staff to in celebrities? Cosmopolitan published the article below detailing some of the alleged past heterosexual relationships of Richard Madden, formerly of Game of Thrones and now the star of the new Marvel movie, The Eternals.
It's pretty basic stuff unless you wonder why nothing was mentioned of Brandon Flynn (tweet #1 below, on the left) and Froy Gutierrez (tweet #2 below, also on the left). You can follow numerous internet rabbit holes documenting Madden's relationships (?) or friendships (?) with the two men with enough evidence to make you wonder if all that smoke really suggests the presence of a fire.
Regardless of whatever is or is not happening in Madden's life, have we reached a point where celebrities no longer need to be dishonest about their sexuality? I'm differentiating being honest and being open, as everyone should be able to be as public or private with their lives as they wish. Basically, do celebrities still need to "in" themselves and offer up a guise of heterosexuality to maintain their careers?