Heaven knows I get so disgusted at some who still hold so tightly to their notions of toxic masculinity. So often the sort seems to be overcompensating for what? I don't venture a guess at that, just a tremendous feeling that men of all orientations putting off a bit too much "macho" display are insecure.
Give yourself credit for self love and recognition and acceptance.
When I've seen the extremes some guys drive themselves into, including suicidal acts, I think damn all that old fashioned "when men were men" shit certainly exacted a lot of damage. Sure as hell don't let grade school notions of "boys wear blue, grills pink" that can be so ingrained in our psyches rule your self worth.
That idiot macho generation shit the likes of Pat Robertson and much of these "family values" simpletons hang onto, despite that rope around their own antediluvian necks shredding, shredding... drove me to much self-worth conundrum at your age as well, until I realized trying to make macho impressions on anyone else knows no limits, has driven far more men into alcoholism and other self destructive behaviors than those in that whirlpool are likely to ever admit before their likely tragic, early demise