Over here it is called " The Status Quo ".
Ref : https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-the-deception-and-the-myth-of-the-status-quo-1.10155018
Its not just that a status quo always perpetuates a power balance. In contrast to prevailing opinions that it freezes time, it also allows the side that profits from it to deepen the arrangement that benefits it, and to promote it, while the losing side is limited in what it can do. Israelis are well aware of this when, in the name of the status quo, they are deprived of the use of public transportation on Shabbat, but they prefer to forget the concept when it comes to Israels polices in the occupied territories.
For many years now the preferred government policy toward the Palestinians has been to maintain the status quo, without the headache of negotiations and breakthroughs; maintaining what already exists, and thats all. Military occupation forever. Benjamin Netanyahu turned this idea into his flagship policy. Naftali Bennett, it now turns out, intends to leverage this approach even more forcefully. In an interview with the New York Times this week, he described how his government would maintain a balance: on one hand not annexing, on the other hand not allowing a Palestinian state to be established.
A freeze that benefits everyone? Certainly not. The situation on the ground serves only the opponents of a two-state solution. Proof of this could be found in Bennetts own words, when he said that along with the supposed freeze, Israel will continue to expand settlements in the name of natural growth. Palestinians allegedly will also be allowed to build in existing towns and villages, meaning Israel will continue its illegal expansion, since that is what already exists, and the Palestinians will remain in their own domain.
The existing situation that allows the deepening of the occupation and a creeping annexation along with an expansion of settlements is in no way the middle ground. The left wing of the coalition knows this full well, but is allowing the perpetuation of this thesis, enabling Bennett to use them as his excuse.
Under the myth/deception of a status quo that is a balanced compromise, manufactured by centrist politics that cleave to an imaginary will of the people, the Bennett government will advance more than ever the perpetuation of the existing situation, entrenching the current balance of power in the territories for generations, making the possibility of a two-state solution more remote than ever and all of this courtesy of its left wing. Because anything new is forbidden by the Torah, the main thing is that the train of peace never passes this way.