Look at this question:
TRENDLINE QUESTION ON ISRAELI SETTLEMENTS 2014-2018: One of the issues of tension between the United States and Israel has been its construction of Israeli settlements in the territories occupied by Israel in the 1967 war. These settlements are considered illegal by most of the international community and have been opposed by every U.S. administration, both Republican and Democratic. The Israeli government has continued to build settlements arguing that they have the right to do so, or that these are not obstacles to peace. How do you believe the U.S. should react to new settlements?
Please. The Israelis liberated the West Bank and Gaza in 1967 from the illegal occupiers, Jordan and Egypt, who violated the partition agreement in 1947 and started a war so they could steal land to expand the area under Islamic control. This was their first attempt at genocide of the Jews of Israel, which failed horribly. During the illegal occupation (1948-1967) Jewish holy site were destroyed and defaced, synagogues and Jewish cemeteries were destroyed and Jews were forbidden from access to holy sites. This ended in 1967, after the second attempt of genocide failed, when Israel took control of the area and ensured everyone's rights would be respected.
This mythical "international community" has no legal authority, many international law specialists consider the area "disputed territory". The Arabs rejected partition, so it's a complete stretch to claim that it's Palestinian land, they LITERALLY rejected that formulation in 1947.