and with the support of many other Arab nations, attempted a war of genocide against Jews in the region.
I also recall that with the exception of the cold peace with Egypt and Jordan, most Arab and Muslim majority states like Iran don't actually recognize the State of Israel or call for its destruction.
I recall how Israel didn't even control or occupy the territories from 1947 to 1967, how Jewish landmarks and interests were routinely desecrated during this period (and before), and Israel only gained control of the territories in another war where Arabs once again intended to create a Palestine "from the River to the Sea."
I recall how most Jews were expelled from Arab countries and the expectation is that in any final peace settlement that the territories will be effectively judenrein, but Israel is expected to both accommodate citizens of all faiths and ethnicities despite actual security concerns, and demanded by many to absorb millions of Palestinian "refugees" which would amount to national and political (and quite possibly actual) suicide.
I recall the United Nations vote equating Zionism with racism, effectively and uniquely denying Jew self-determination.
I recall that virtually all of Israel's neighbors are tyrannies with atrocious human rights records, yet Israel is a functioning, classically liberal democracy. Nevertheless, Israel dominates a vastly disproportionate amount of United Nation's time and resources, while luminaries like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Venezuela sit in judgment on the UN Human Rights Council.
I even recall a vote by UNESCO just a couple of months ago denying a link between Jews and the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism.
Only a true clown would offer a selective memory of the United Nations and most of its constituent members,