Netanyahu goes to war with the world [View all]
Israel has a solitary vote in the United Nations General Assembly, and no vote at all at the United Nations Security Council. Israel was annihilated in the Security Council vote on Friday that demanded an end to all settlement activity and that designated all the land that Israel captured from Jordan in the 1967 war, which includes the Temple Mount and the Western Wall, as occupied Palestinian territory. The prime ministers hope is that he can stave off further, and still more devastating, potential diplomatic defeat at the hands of the outgoing Obama administration via a mixture of pleas, threats and boycotts. On the horizon, he sees the incoming administration of Donald J. Trump. For Netanyahu, it cannot arrive soon enough.
There can be little doubt, however, that a number of very recent moves by Netanyahu made that abstention that decision by Obama, for the first time in his presidency, to allow an anti-Israel resolution to pass at the Security Council more likely.
Obamas UN envoy, Samantha Power, cited in her post-vote address the prime ministers recent delighted public claim that his government is more committed to settlements than any in Israels history. More specifically, she referenced the current legislative moves in Israel to retroactively legalize dozens of West Bank settlement outposts legislation that Israels own attorney general warns is in breach of international law, and that Netanyahu had himself previously opposed.
Outrage aside, however, the failed pre-vote diplomatic maneuvering by Netanyahu gives credence to those of his critics who argue that he has entered panic mode. For all the serenity and confidence he exudes in his public appearances, and for all that he is appeasing parts of his right-wing constituency a critical imperative for retaining power his tactics on Thursday were a mess, and he now seems to be deepening the damage.
But the inconvenient truth is that while 14 nations supported Resolution 2334, and the US chose not to oppose it, those 14 are not all enemies of Israel, far from it, and the United States certainly isnt. The Czech Republic and Panama might, just might, have voted no, or abstained, but basically the entire world rejects the legality of the settlement enterprise. And much of that world, as Netanyahu has in the recent past enthusiastically highlighted, either broadly supports Israel or is moving in that direction.
Bibi thought accelerating the one-state solution would be consequence-free just because his new best friend will be US President, and that he could bully the rest of the world with the same success as Trump has enjoyed.