In reply to the discussion: Over 70 American Intellectuals Call for 'Targeted Boycott' of Israeli Settlements [View all]Little Tich
(6,171 posts)and sanctions against the settlements don't support BDS?
And then there's the legislation that includes BDS of settlements as BDS - there are 13 states with legislation that includes BDS against the settlements as BDS, now that California joined the bandwagon. Shouldn't the BDS Movement be targeted instead, if that's the "real" BDS? How do you explain that?
And who are these Omar Barghouti, Max Blumenthal, Ben White & Ali Abunimah people - why are they so important to you? Most BDSers have no connection to them, and they have no say in what's being BDSed or not.
I have no idea where you got the idea from that BDS has to have a goal about two states or the right of return of refugees. BDS is a tool, and currently all forms of actual BDS have targeted the settlements and the occupation (as far as I know, but if you know of more BDS than the Illinois legislature, please let me know) but there are no actual goals apart from that. If those who do BDS wanted the right of return, shouldn't they be kicking over JNF collection boxes or protest against the Jewish Agency?
To sum it up - your arguments aren't supported by the evidence. I'll stick with the legislation that targets mainly the form of BDS that oppose the settlements, and I'll stick with the actual acts of BDS which target the settlements and the occupation. Until you manage to convince me that what the self-proclaimed BDS Movement is talking about is more important than those who actually do the BDS, I'll stick with the doers, not the talkers.