Cheap Dog Toys [View all]
I'm lucky enough to live where they have a church-sponsored Clothes Closet. Nice stuff, 10 cents apiece. The only downside is the lack of a dressing room, so you pay your $ and take your chances. Twice now I've brought home several pairs of jeans that NEVER will fit.
This evening I had an epiphany of sorts. I cut off the jeans legs, rolled each into a tube which I tied in a knot in the middle. When my two young and extremely destructive dogs next went outdoors, I threw one of these jean-leg tug toys out there with them and they had a ball. They seem too submissive or something to play tug with me - even the tallish JRT - but between themselves they roll around like a couple of battling cats, making the most savage noises imaginable but doing no harm since they love each other.
You don't want to know the fortune I've spent trying to find toys they'll like but can't destroy in 5 minutes. The big squeaky chicken got beheaded in 5 minutes. Etc. I've even seen them destroy some Kong toys. Doubtless they'll eventually destroy the jean leg tug toy as well - but at least those are 5 cents apiece and easily available. And after all, denim is pretty tough.