SIU is looking for tutors for new state-wide tutoring initiative to address learning loss [View all]
Illinois is launching a statewide tutoring initiative to help K-12 students who were disproportionately affected by the pandemic
The initiative is looking for college students, retired teachers and community members to become paid tutors and work regularly with kids.
This program is a collaboration between multiple universities and school districts across Illinois. It is being led by Illinois State University, and two local universities are coordinating the effort in the greater St. Louis region. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and Southern Illinois University Carbondale recently announced they were selected as partners.
This is an opportunity for us to help bring together some additional support to those students that may not have been able to get to school if school was open or may not have had access to the internet or other resources, said Christie McIntyre, the director of teacher education at the Carbondale campus.