Is a public school.
There is no profit.
Look. Their school gets the same per pupil funding.
The teachers are paid same rate. Same benefits.
The school pays for busses to run through all county. Because school is open to whole county.
They have smaller class sizes. They have amazing resources for students with special needs, IEP or ,504.
And out of that same budget the school pays their own building. No special taxes or bonds to build a building.
They are able to do that because they aren't paying a ton of overhead to over priced adminstration at Central office.
Do the math. All states different, our state is low but $9000 per pupil. There is extra money for title 9 and for iep. 15 kids per class is 135,000 per classroom. Teacher cost 80,000 leaves 55000 per classroom. Now why does your kids class have 25 kids in it and their teacher make 35000?
Who is making profit?
How is a bunch of over priced administrators ok but dedicated educators using innovation in small school setting a for profit model? How is graft and flunkyism at Central office ok but families having a choice to work with teachers to build a a school a for profit model? How is building a public school that actually serves children and families rather than treating them poorly destroying public school system? It IS public school!! Being administered by central office shouldn't be only way!
Talking of religion, profit etc. Is obfuscation. Look you may have actual experience with charter schools in your area that are like you describe and of so you should work to change your state laws. But you are not describing the schools in my area and so from my perspective this description is not true.
Maybe you have a school system that isn't de facto segregated, where schools are equally funded, where parents don't have to go to federal court to fight for inclusion of their child, where corporal punishment isn't dealt out disproportionately, where the central office isn't a funding hole; but not everyone does.