Yes, extended warranty pays. At least for cars with all the electronics [View all]
I have a 2014 Kia Soul. Not many miles, not much work except the periodic liquids and tires checks.
Within a year the dealer decided to abandon the Kia line so I had to find someone else.
But early this year I could no longer get Sirius. The very patient staff at Sirius tried to help but finally gave me a number for the dealer to call them.
With all the harsh winter it took me a while to get an appointment to find out that the radio head needed to be replaces. At more than $1,000. It was not just the head, on occasions it affected other electronic operations like tuning the radio and activating the rear camera.
I remember then that I had an extended warranty but this shop had no information and this was crazy time for me so I just went ahead with the work.
Once things settled for me, I stopped at the finance office of the original dealer with all my paperwork and, yes, the warranty is for 10 years - still one year left and should cover the radio.
So I called the office. The main issue was that I went ahead with the work while every insurance claim requires to notify the carrier first and for them to take it next. Still, I explained it to them, I had the receipts, apologized and yesterday, lo and behold here came a check for $1,000 and some change. They reduced it by $50. The policy itself nine years ago was $1,500.
Spouse 2021 Rav4 also carries an extended warranty. With all the electronics it is a must.
Now I need to consider whether I should get one for my new LG Washer and Drier. The worst machines, especially the drier that I have ever used; Consumer Reports review be damned.