Who Are Union Members Voting For? [View all]
Larry Williams Jr.
October 28, 2024
The 2024 U.S. presidential race has become one of the tightest contests in recent memory, with polls showing Kamala Harris and Donald Trump virtually neck-and-neck. Both candidates are working to galvanize their bases, and union voters are proving to be pivotal in this close race. Union households are known for high turnout rates and could make a significant impact in key swing states. Harris has focused her messaging on workers' rights, climate action, and job stability, resonating with union supporters, while Trump appeals to those in traditionally conservative industries like manufacturing and mining. With Wisconsin and Pennsylvania hanging in the balance, union voters may well hold the key to the final outcome.
For anyone watching this race closely, the perspective of union members is essential, as their votes and turnout efforts could sway battleground states. Union voices bring unique insights into the candidates' stances on workers' issues, including fair wages, job security, and labor rights. Watch the video to get a real sense of what union members are thinking and how their voting choices could decide this historic election.
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