Low Voltage Electricians Live to Strike Another Day [View all]
Electrical workers stayed out for two months and maintained their right to strike again in the future. Members didn't get a vote on the decision to end the strike, and many weren't happy about it. Photo: IBEW Local 46
June 20, 2024 / Jorge Torres
Two months into an unprecedented strike, the 1,023 members of the limited energy construction unit of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 46 in Seattle voted overwhelmingly June 11 and again June 15 to stay out.
But the union announced June 17 that it had agreed to end the strike. Members would be voting on a third offer that barely differed from the latest rejected onethe raise had increased by 50 cents.
In an emotional meeting, members were told the strike was ending regardless, and if they didnt accept this latest deal, with no leverage they would likely end up with something worse. They voted it up by 85 percent.
One big win, though: the union will live to strike another day. For months the employer association had pushed for language that would have effectively given up the right to strike. After a resounding 90 percent no vote on the June 11 offer, it withdrew the never-strike-again language.
FULL story at link above.