I place Most Respectfully, and my signature, of course, at the end. Wouldn't it be great if Congress actually voted against themselves? (Because most of them make at least 250,000. if they include their spouses.) And it would be awesome if the tax funds were spent on struggling Americans for a while, creating jobs, as well as green energy research? I've seen too many nuclear plants leaking radioactive waste that no one knows how to stop or contain!! Nobody!! Their best answer? We may have to put it in the ocean, which is where the leak was heading anyway. Check out Washington State! I find this unacceptable. Also, much litigation needs to occur to insert privacy expectations/protections into Patriot Act/FISA which requires funds. ACLU is doing a lot of this. I give when I can. They are going up against the govt. which has unlimited funds, taxpayer funds. Because freedom can't protect itself. I suppose I could send a separate letter for each issue. But we have excellent Democratic Reps here. I helped one get elected. They are very receptive.