The late MI US Senator Carl Levin's successor Gary Peters' election victories in 2014 and 2020. [View all]
Gary Peters first ran for the US Senate in 2014 to succeed Carl Levin.
2014 was a Republican wave midterm election year, However Peters won that race against Terry Lynn Land by a 13 percent margin. In the Governors Race, Republican incumbent Rick Snyder won by a 4 percent margin. Republicans won the MI Secretary of States Election in 2014(Ruth Johnson-R by a 11 percent margin.) Republicans won the MI Attorney General Election in 2014(Bill Schuette-R by a 8 percent margin). While Peters(D-MI) won, other Democratic US Senate nominees up for re-election in 2014 from battleground states lost.
In 2020, Peters won re-election by a 2 percent margin. 2020 was a Presidential Election year and Biden carried MI in 2020 by a 3 percent margin.
Peters Republican challenger in was John James. James previously ran for the US Senate in 2018 against Debbie Stabenow-D and lost the race by a 6.5 percent margin. Stabenow won
the 2006 US Senate Election by a 16 percent margin and 2012 US Senate Elections by a 21 percent margin.
Was John James the most formidable Republican challenger Stabenow and Peters face?
Could another Democrat perform better than Stabenow and Peters?
US Representative Dan Kildee-D
US Representative Andy Levin-D.