FL- Rubio-R is a fairly strong incumbent, Top tier Democrats will run for Governor against Desantis-R or wait until 2024 to run for the US Senate against Scott-R.
MO- is fairly a strong Republican state.
IA- Likely Democratic candidates Cindy Axne-D and Abby Finkenauer-D are strong candidate against the Grassleys-R and Carlin-R. They need to do well in IA-1,IA,-2, and IA-3 Congressional Districts.
OH- Likely Democratic candidate Tim Ryan-D is a strong candidate against whoever the Republican nominee.
NC- Likely Democratic nominee Jeff Jackson-D is a strong candidate against Likely Republican nominee Mark Walker-R.
WI- Alex Lasry-D, Ron Kind-D, Sarah Godlewski-D, Josh Kaul-D and Mandela Barnes-D are likely to defeat Johnson-R or whoever becomes the Republican nominee if Johnson-R retires.
NH- Maggie Hassan-D narrowly defeats Chris Sununu-R. In 2016, public opinion polls in 2015 had Hassan-D trailing Kelly Ayotte-R by a narrow to high single digit margin. Hassan-D defeated Ayotte-R by a narrow margin.
Rest of the US Senate seats listed, The Democrats are favored to win.