Yahoo implosion continues - Yahoo Answers closing May 4 [View all]
From their notice: "We launched Yahoo Answers sixteen years ago to help people around the world connect and share information. With you and millions of other users, we built the best place on the web to ask and answer questions on a variety of topics, creating a community of global knowledge sharing. While we could not have been prouder of what we accomplished together, we are reaching out today to let you know that we have decided to shut down Yahoo Answers on May 4th, 2021."
If they were the *best* place to ask questions and find answers, how come they're closing? I found their answers to be riddled with trolls, stupid ideas. Many other sites have answers, and Google search has just about everything indexed and searchable.
If they were the *best* they would have grown!
I fear the day will come when Yahoo Mail, despite their claims of permanency, will be announced on 3 weeks notice too. That would be a nightmare of an archiving problem for those of us who have used it for decades. And there is no global download solution. With Groups they gave you a run-on text file. Some use that.
The internet keeps consolidating and the Big Fish are winners. The rest - Lycos, MySpace, Excite, Jeeves - have tumbled or gone away.