Do Not Feed The Trolls [View all]
From Ring of Fire:
Psychologists have confirmed that internet trolls are sadistic, narcissistic, Machiavellian, manipulative psychopaths who feed off of negativity for pure enjoyment. Canadian researchers determined that internet trolls are essentially bad people.
The researchers defined trolling as the practice of behaving in a deceptive, destructive, or disruptive manner in a social setting on the internet. Less formally, illustrates the act of trolling and the mentality behind it: Typically unleashing one or more cynical . . . remarks on an innocent bystander because its the internet and, hey, you can. The only justification trolls have for their behavior is simply doing it for the lulz, or sadistic enjoyment at the expense of others.
Using the Dark Tetrad personality test, scientists have found that internet trolls exhibit sadistic, narcissistic, Machiavellian (willingness to lie and manipulate), and psychopathic tendencies. And since there arent many real world situations that allow people to act on those impulses, the internet has become a breeding ground because of its anonymity.
You can read the full article here at Ring of Fire.