If you want to know how easy it would be for Hillary to lose the election, [View all]
read this recent article from Politico.
It relies a great deal on the files of Brad Friedman at Bradblog.
Since at least 2002, computers have been hacked and maliciously programmed in a hundred different ways. If you think they haven't, you are badly in need of some reality therapy. I think most DU-ers know what's going on, but there are a good number of DU-ers who generally strenuously defend these beautiful machines using a hundred completely irrelevant arguments as to why they're safe and secure. To me this is the equivalent of believing climate change to be a hoax.
So cross your fingers folks because this upcoming election is not really in the hands of the voters. It's in the hands of the crooks and ideologues at ES&S and the other voting machine manufacturers and programmers. Or possibly in the hands of the Russian or Chinese or who knows which hackers from which country. Or possibly in the hands of local hackers. The sky is the limit.
But of course we all know these are computers and computers don't make mistakes in math.