Rate the Debate: 50 Point difference- Harris + 14, Trump -36 [View all]
Rate the Debate:
50 Point difference- Harris + 14, Trump -36
I used the "Rate the Debate" scoring system I outlined last night where I scored -1 for each lie and -1 when the candidate avoided answering the question.
In negative ratings Harris was rated as -2 and Trump as -36.
Regarding positive points, Harris was rated as + 16 and Trump 0.
Harris: 16 positive points - 2 negative points = + 14
Trump 36 negative points, 0 positive points = - 36 points.
50 point difference. This was a slaughter
These numbers are not 100% accurate as the scoring was done while I watched the debate and I'm too tired to go back and watch the whole thing again. I didn't award any "persuasion" points nor did I subtract any "interruption" points. But I don't believe they would have provided Trump any significant scoring.
The important thing to remember is that Trump had
NO Positive Points! He did not outline any type of positive plan.
Even when repeatedly pressed on what changes he wanted to Obamacare, he came up with nothing. Even when pressed how he'd end the Russia Ukraine War he said he'd talk with them, which is precisely what Biden/Harris have been doing.
After tonight's debate, no rational person should even consider voting for Trump. The only reason to vote for Trump is cause you want to. There are no policies or arguments to support this position.
To view the Rate the Debate system, look for last night's Ranting Randy post.