Brexiter having public meltdown over inconvenience of wearing a mask to the supermarket confident... [View all]
...will cope perfectly with No Deal Brexit
Its like living in communist China. Making people wear a mask is literally the worst possible thing that can happen when youre trying to do your shopping.
Its so inconvenient. You have to put it around your ears, then fiddle with it a bit to get it comfortable. God help you if you wear glasses as they will keep steaming up. The people making these rules clearly just want to ruin our lives completely.
However, Williams is also of the opinion that any inconvenience caused by disruption to transport, food supply chains or medical supplies cause by a no-deal Brexit will be easy to deal with, because of the Blitz spirit.
If we can cope with Johnny Foreigner dropping bombs on us, then we can cope with a few supply issues a few empty shelves. With the great stiff upper lip we can handle anything.
Obviously Ive not experienced either, because I was born thirty years after the war ended and my entire adult life has been spend in the EU, but I know Ill be able to cope because of how well Im dealing with the minor inconvenience of having to wear a mask in the supermarket.
Checkmate liberals!]
Emphasis mine
I know this is satire - BUT, ALL OF THIS.
And now we are told we have to wear masks if we live in England in shops right wing Brexiteer heads are going to explode across the land and the Tories are about to find out what it feels like to have to take responsibility for something that is going to very unpopular with their basest base. After all they have been blaming the EU for everything for the last 50 years and they cannot do that with post Brexit decisions, and as they repeatedly fuck up on Covid-19, and a no deal Brexit is pretty much certain, I cannot help but feel it is only a matter time before the worms turn.
Personally I have been wearing a mask in indoor spaces since the start of the pandemic because OBVS I am a pansy liberal 👀