Far-right supporters quietly asking themselves 'Wait, are WE the snowflakes now?' [View all]
To be honest, Brexshitters and other far right types are not the best when it comes to self awareness.
As hilarious milkshake jokes filled the Internet yesterday, furious far-right campaigners were forced to ask themselves, Are we the real snowflakes?
As hordes of people who steadfastly defend free speech when talking about jokes they agree with, suddenly started insisting that jokes about milkshakes are an affront to democracy and advocate violence, many have taken to quiet self-reflection to wonder if it is really themselves who are the snowflake generation in desperate need of a safe space.
As Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage was covered in a milkshake while campaigning in Newcastle, furious supporters of Tommy Robinson, and that rape-joke guy from UKIP joined Farage supporters in insisting that jokes about political candidates being covered in milkshake were a step too far.
UKIP voter Simon Williams told us, Hey, Im all for jokes about not raping MPs, or jokes that liken Muslims to letterboxes, but you cant make jokes about candidates I like being covered in milkshakes. Thats just offensive, and being offensive isnt allowed. I mean, I know that when Ed Miliband was egged during his last election campaign he just took off his jacket, made a joke about it, and continued the interview he was conducting, but thats just typical leftist behaviour doing whatever they can to make us look bad.