Derek Hatton suspended from Labour after two days [View all]
Source: The Guardian
Derek Hatton suspended from Labour after two days
Former Liverpool Militant figure reportedly suspended over 2012 tweet
Helen Pidd
Wed 20 Feb 2019 18.57 GMT First published on Wed 20 Feb 2019 18.31 GMT
Derek Hatton, the controversial former deputy leader of Liverpool council, has been suspended from the Labour party just two days after being allowed back in after 34 years.
The 71-year-old has been suspended pending an investigation into a tweet he posted in 2012 blaming Jews for Israeli government policy.
The tweet, which resurfaced after he was readmitted to the party on Monday, said: Jewish people with any sense of humanity need to start speaking out publicly against the ruthless murdering being carried out by Israel!
Drawing attention to the tweet, the Labour MP Ian Austin said: Keen to address the Jewish communitys concerns and widespread worries that the Labour party has been taken over by a sectarian hard-left faction, the party yesterday readmitted Derek Hatton.
Hattons tweet has since been deleted.
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