This bloke was NEVER a Treasurer,he was nothing more than a Howard BUM boy.
How can he audit Qld treasury,he couldn't even manage Australia's books.
There was NO infrastructure spending when he was Treasurer.He never l;eft a cent go out into the country.All he did was sit on it and watch the rest of the country crumble.
I would believe him as much as I would believe that Tony Abbott will become the next PM of this country,and I dont believe that at all.He will be challenged before the next election and he will be pushed to the back benches,..
Any one would think that Qld is in a mess.Australia was in a BIG mess when Howard was thrown out and Costello wasnt much better.
Fuel prices went up,interest rates went up,cost of living went up,BANKS snubbed him and all the Libs could say was that he was the best Treasurer that we had.....I can tell you that there were MANY Labor Treasurers that were better than him,BUT how the Libs have very short memories,or they werent around when we had McMahon,Gorton,Holt,Frazer were all in power.Oh how many Libs forget how badly were were in the 1950's and 1960's