After a harsh summer and wet winter, Texas sees a brilliant bluebonnet season [View all]
Space City is one on my favorite sources for weather information in Houston. When my oldest and I were at Walt Disney World during Harvey, my oldest introduced me to Space City and I relied on this source for information about Houston and Harvey. If there is anything in the Gulf, Space City is the first source I go to.
Bluebonnet season in Texas is amazing
Summary: In todays post I discuss the bluebonnet season, and look ahead to warmer weather and a likely wet weekend. If you have outdoor plans, youll definitely want to keep tabs on the potential for precipitation.
Texas bluebonnets
I wanted to say a quick word about wildflowers in general, and bluebonnets in particular. If youve driven between Houston and Austin of late you know theyre spectacular. The combination of a very hot summer last year, which thinned out wildflower competition, and a relatively wet winter created near ideal conditions for this bluebonnet season. On a scale from one to 10, this year looks like it could be an eight, for bluebonnets in particular, if not even better, said Andrea DeLong-Amaya, of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, in a forecast a few weeks ago.