Texas Doctor Booted From State Senate Session After Calling Trans People 'Pedophiles' [View all]
Hotze is a major league asshole who has been suppressing the vote and promoting nutcase candidates. Hotze is the asshole who is being investigated for hiring a PI to search a workman's van for supposed fraudulent ballots. Hotze is a homophobe.
Steven Hotzea Texas doctor and GOP activistwas kicked out of a state senate session Thursday after he called transgender people pedophiles. Democratic state senator José Menédez fired back against Hotzes anti-trans rhetoric: I would just ask you to refrain from calling people pedophiles, because I don't think the doctors that have come before us today are pedophiles. Hotze responded, By definition, they are pedophiles. Hotze was asked to leave, though not until he said thats bullshit in response to Menédezs criticisms of his rhetoric. Doctor Hotze, we don't use that kind of language. Youre excused, state senator and committee chair Bryan Hughes (R) said. @Bobbyeyaga tweeted footage of the exchange, writing, want to know what kind of language gets you dismissed from the TX Senates public testimony? Because it isnt calling all trans people pedophiles over and over again.