Editorial: Abbott says 'never again' after Uvalde school massacre. Don't fall for it, Texans [View all]
Abbott will take this promise as seriously as he took his promise to end all rapes in Texas. Greg is not to be trusted.
The first word is apt especially for the moms and dads who dropped off their little ones at school Tuesday morning, maybe lingering a little bit in the car line, just to crane their necks back and watch as that precious little body, that floppy ponytail or that lanky little string bean frame, laden with backpack and lunch box, made it safely through the schoolhouse door, where, it seemed, they would be safe......
Weve heard that before.
Its time in Texas, Abbott said in 2018 after the school shooting in Santa Fe, that we take action to step up and make sure this tragedy is never repeated ever again.
Instead, when lawmakers needed his help passing gun reform bills, including a red flag law and another closing a loophole in background check requirements that were recommended in a task force Abbott convened himself, he backed away from everything, either letting bills die or flat out vetoing them.
Greg did nothing to help after Santa Fe and he will not take one step after this massacre. Greg is a liar and cannot be trusted.