It is great seeing boots on the ground in Starr County. A protest was organized very quickly and this protest needs to grow
Rockie Gonzalez is the founder and board chairwoman for Frontera Fund which provides financial assistance to low-income women seeking an abortion in the Rio Grande Valley.
She is on a call with me tonight as this story develops.
Rockie, what was Frontera Funds initial reaction to hearing about this case.
Well, our first response was to get on the phone together and begin to strategize. This is, as far as we know, one of the first sort of post-SB8 arrests. And we know that its a developing story so we dont have a lot of the details. Theyre kind of coming in as were monitoring the situation. But currently, were assembling all of our legal teams and our allies and other advocates across the states and nationally for support. And so were looking at, you know, trying to get in touch with the family and make sure that she has, you know, supportive legal representation, and we are hosting an action outside the Starr County Jail tomorrow to demand her immediate release.....
Frontera Fund has quickly put together a political action in response to this. Youll be at the Starr County Jail tomorrow morning protesting Herrers arrest. What do you hope to communicate to people tomorrow? What message do you want them to take away?
We would like for people to know that it is unjust for medical staff to betray this kind of confidence and that the legislation that Governor Abbott has put forth and tried to push in this state is making it so that innocent people are being harmed. And we want people to know that this type of legislation impacts low income people of color communities the most when state legislators put restrictions on our reproductive rights. Its not well-to-do people with health insurance that are most impacted. Its poor people and low in communities, generally from people of color communities who suffer the impacts of these kinds of legislations.