SPOTLIGHT RACE: Jim Haddock for PA-HD118 [View all]
Jim Haddock is the Democratic candidate for the 118th House District and resident of Pittston Township, and he has a record of proven leadership and delivering results for our communities. As the former Mayor of Avoca, Jim fought for residents when it came to quality-of-life issues, and his devotion to responsible public service means that he will bring common sense solutions to Harrisburg.
Jim took on the Kerr-McGee organization after they created an environmental disaster and exposed our residents to deadly carcinogens for decades. Jim spearheaded the effort to hold Kerr-McGee accountable, filing an official complaint with the Department of Environmental Protection and filing a lawsuit to bring justice for those in Avoca and beyond. His work resulted in the compensation of over 5,000 residents.
Jim will bring that same fighting spirit to Harrisburg for the people of the 118th. His priorities include properly funding our public education, fight to reduce property taxes, stop the constant turnpike toll and property tax increases, create living-wage jobs, and secure affordable healthcare for our families.
As a small business owner and over 30 years of experience in the banking and insurance industries, Jim has an extensive background that will help inform his decision-making and allow him to make an immediate impact as a State Representative. Jim has served as the Prothonotary and Clerk of Courts manager for the past 10 years where he cut budget expenses and increased efficiency.
Jim is also an avid sportsman and will protect 2nd Amendment rights while keeping weapons out of the hands of dangerous criminals. Jim serves as President of Valley Rod and Gun Club and is a member of the PA State Fox and Coyote Hunters Association.
Jim is an active participant in many community service organizations including the Dupont Avoca Lions club, Sons of the American Legion Squadron 477 Pittston, Charter Member of the Neil McLaughlin Chapter of the AOH, Avoca; and Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, Pittston.