Josh Shapiro
Pennsylvania is the epicenter of the fight for our democracy and we must speak with one voice.
Joe Biden won the 2020 election. Two bipartisan audits confirmed his victory in Pennsylvania.
The Big Lie is still with us. We owe it to our democracy to continue speaking truth.
7:47 PM · Aug 24, 2021
Josh Shapiro
Republican candidates across the country are lying to Americans more than nine months later, they still say our election was corrupt.
Theyre wrong. But the Big Lie is on the ballot in 2022, and we cannot let them win.
8:58 AM · Aug 25, 2021
Josh Shapiro
Extremist Republicans in Harrisburg arent fighting for Pennsylvanians. Theyre not fighting for affordable healthcare, public safety, or new jobs.
Theyre fighting for Donald Trump and leaving Pennsylvania behind.
In latest bow to Trump, GOP lawmakers in Pennsylvania plan to launch hearings on 2020 vote
The move is part of a full forensic investigation of the November election, State Senate President Pro Tempore Jake Corman said this week.
11:48 AM · Aug 25, 2021
Josh Shapiro
Harrisburg Republicans have spent this week fighting with each other and holding sham hearings about an election that happened ten months ago.
It's time for them to get back to focusing on what matters saving the lives of Pennsylvanians who are in the grips of addiction.
5:01 PM · Aug 25, 2021
Josh Shapiro
The extremist Republicans in Harrisburg attacking our elections are making a choice choosing a sham audit over solving the very real problems our Commonwealth faces.
Theyre choosing Donald Trump over Pennsylvanians.
10:58 AM · Aug 26, 2021
I'm going to assume that he has to wait to see what they intend to do. I also expect Democracy Docket's Marc Elias to get involved if it comes to that. What distinguishes here vs other states when it comes to suppression laws, is that Wolf can veto them and the legislature can't override.