No Qualified Immunity for Pittsburgh Cop Who Wrongly Detained Black Teenager, 'Slammed' Him ... [View all]
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No Qualified Immunity for Pittsburgh Cop Who Wrongly Detained Black Teenager, Slammed Him Against a Wall
COLIN KALMBACHERSep 16th, 2020, 7:47 pm
A federal appeals court on Thursday declined to grant qualified immunity to a Pittsburgh cop who slammed an unarmed teenager into a wall after falsely detaining him on suspicion of making an underage tobacco purchase.
In 2013, brothers Will El and Beyshaud El left a corner store after lawfully purchasing a pack of menthol cigarettes. Pittsburgh Police Lieutenant Reyne Kacsuta, apparently unaware of tobacco foil wrapper conventions, spotted the bright green packaging and initially thought the two had purchased synthetic marijuana. She began to follow them and the incident quickly took a turn for the worse.