How the Pa. electorate has changed since 2016 and what that means for 2020 [View all]
Ever since the Keystone State was called for Donald Trump in the early morning hours after Election Day 2016, its been clear that the road to the White House in 2020 runs through Pennsylvania.
So how does todays landscape compare to what it was then? To find out, I studied the county voter registration numbers from October 2016 to October 2019.
As youll see, every section of the commonwealth tells a unique story of the past three years.
A quick note: I explore Pennsylvanias changing voter trends by tracking the gains one party accumulated in registrations over the other party. For example, R+500 means that the Republican Party gained a net 500 more registered voters in that county than the Democratic Party did over this time period, while D+500 indicates the opposite.
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