A school walkout might get you suspended, but it won't keep you from getting in these universities [View all]
A school walkout might get you suspended, but it wont keep you from getting in these universities
February 26, 2018 01:47 PM
Updated February 26, 2018 11:06 PM
High-school students can join peaceful protests without having to worry about it affecting their chances of getting into Duke, N.C. State, UNC-Chapel Hill and Wake Forest University.
The four universities joined a lengthening
list of universities that are issuing reassurances after a few school districts in Texas and Wisconsin threatened to suspend students who participate in walkouts to protest the recent mass shooting in Parkland, Fla.
Duke has always valued active and responsible engagement in civic life among its students and applicants, said Christoph Guttentag, dean of undergraduate admissions. We will always consider all applicants fully and individually, and every part of the application, including disciplinary sanctions, in the unique context of the applicants themselves and the
values of the institution we represent, which include civic and personal responsibility.
An applicants participation in peaceful protests has never been a reason for us to deny or rescind an offer of admission, he added.
Ray Gronberg: 919-419-6648, @rcgronberg