I'm voting in the GOPQ primary, and it's traumatic [View all]
I registered as an independent so I have the option to vote in either primary here in NC.
My main reason is to vote against cawthorn, so I needed to review the 8 candidates running against him. Also want to vote against our former governor, who's one of 14 running in their Senate primary. There are actually 9 races in their primary here, whereas Dems have only 2 races.
I live in Henderson county, NC 11, in a very red district. Democrats often don't run a candidate, so the GOPQ primary will decide the candidate who will run unopposed and win. I remember times when Dems have run for various local offices, including sheriff, but they don't get elected in this red zone, it's demoralizing at times, so they pick their battles. Still, I was surprised and disappointed there were no Democrats running in any of the other races.
In addition to the Senate and congressional races, there are 4 judicial races, including NC supreme court. Also NC district House representative, county DA, and board of commissioners, all without a democratic candidate. Whoever wins the primary in 7 races will run unopposed and win.
So I'm voting in their primary, and maybe I'll make a difference. I did it once before, and helped to vote out the former sheriff. There were 12,000 votes, challenger got 7,000. But they got my name as someone who voted in their primary, and I get spammed with their email to this day.
Choosing the lesser of 2 evils in 7 races, and the least offensive from a large field in 2 races is an onerous task. Not all the candidates provided information to vote411, run by the league of women voters. Still, had to read through a lot of conservative drivel to find the least objectionable candidates. Just finished, putting time and effort into this horrid task. I hope cawthorn looses, and if a run off is needed it's between 2 other candidates.
The general election is 6 months away. I'll vote for any Dem on the ticket then. If a rethug is running unopposed, I usually skip that vote. But I'm about to vote for 9 of them!
Wanna bet I'll be the only one wearing a mask?!?