for you guys over there right now, from what I read and hear. But it is starting to get worse here, for the same reason, I suspect. You get a lot of international travel, plus heavy use of public transportation. We get less international travel via flights than you, but we have constant daily international travel both ways across the Canadian border, from Toronto and Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls draws people from all over the world. Plus heavy use of public transportation in the city (Buffalo) and suburbs.
I am outside the city and suburbs but people here go back and forth to Buffalo for work, shopping, and appointments. Or they did, before the shutdown.
I got a chuckle from your greeting. I think only a shared crisis could cause a NYC resident to call us "neighbor" over here. We often feel like NYC doesn't know who we are, and lumps everyone outside the borroughs together as "upstate," whether Adirondacks or Great Lakes region.
But we are all neighbors now, aren't we, here in NY and across the country? Across the world, actually.