Next Stop, Summer: A Day Aboard a Mister Softee Truck [View all]
Heli Vasquez knows his ice cream by taste, temperature and tradition, having driven a truck around New York City for 31 years.
'In a dimly lit depot in Hunts Point, the Bronx, Heli Vasquez prepared his Mister Softee truck for the drive to Manhattan. He had a fully charged AirPod in his ear, a giant bag of SunChips within reach and DVDs of his favorite old music videos to play.
But all that would come later. The first thing I do every morning is I taste the ice cream, said Mr. Vasquez, filling up the hoppers of his soft-serve machine with chocolate and vanilla mix. I make sure the ice cream is good.
Good: A light, airy, melt-away texture that can maintain its form as its rolled sideways in chocolate sprinkles, or dropped upside down into a vat of warm, waxy blue dip. A smooth, dense-but-not-too-dense consistency in the mouth, and a long, clean flavor.
Mr. Vasquez is one of about 200 Mister Softee drivers who roam the city, dispensing the sweet, industrially engineered flavors of summer to a jangling soundtrack. They lap parks and residential blocks, pull up strategically near the exits of schools and public swimming pools and punctuate sunny days with milkshakes, ice pops and cones.'>>>