Will plan that guts school aid in poor districts be Christie's unfinished symphony? [View all]
On July 28, Gov. Chris Christie put meat on the bones of his ''Fairness Formula'' tax-relief plan. To Democrats and poor Abbott school districts -- including Jersey City, Harrison, Hoboken, Union City and West New York -- it is grotesque.
Those schools, some of the poorest and worst-performing in the state, would lose billions of dollars under Christie's proposal to give each New Jersey pupil a level $6,599. It would be a jackpot of a property-tax break for suburban towns, which typically receive a fraction of the funding.
Christie touted his plan at seniors center in Fair Lawn, arguing, ''You're paying $20,000 per kid to educate them, and the state is only picking up less than $3,000 of that cost.''
Fair Lawn's graduation rate was almost 95 percent, he said, while Asbury Park's was 66 percent. ''You know how much they get?'' the governor said of that Jersey Shore town. ''Twenty-nine thousand dollars per pupil per year.''
Read more: http://www.nj.com/opinion/index.ssf/2016/08/_albright_2.html