NJ has highest foreclosure rate in 2017 [View all]
That recovery after the recession? Yeah - it never happened here.
New Jersey had the highest rate of foreclosure filings in the United States for 2017, according to a new report. The total number of housing units with foreclosure filings in New Jersey for the year represented 1.61 percent of total housing units in the state, but overall the number of foreclosure filings decreased compared to 2016.
Nationally, foreclosure filings for 2017 fell 27 percent compared to 2016, reaching their lowest level since 2005, according to the report. There were 676,535 properties with foreclosure filings in 2017, a 76 percent drop from when such filings were at a peak during the housing crisis in 2010.
The properties with foreclosure filings in 2017 represented 0.51 percent of all U.S. housing units, according to ATTOM Data, a multi-sourced property database. When filings were at a peak during the housing crisis, they represented 2.23 percent of all U.S. housing units.
In 2017, lenders started the foreclosure process on 383,701 properties and 21,274 of those properties were in New Jersey, according to the report. Camden, Ocean, Essex, Burlington and Monmouth counties had the highest number of properties where the foreclosure process had started, according to the report. Nationally, 318,165 properties were scheduled for foreclosure auction in 2017 and just over 25,000 of those properties were in New Jersey.
Remember this as even liberals in red states snicker at us.
Fed Gov is trying to turn us into Mississippi with their Tax Theft from families in NJ making 60/80 K a year.