Guilty Trenton man molests teenage female, gets no jail time [View all]
TRENTON >> A city man who molested a teenage family member has been sentenced to five years of probation and must register as a Megans Law sex offender, among other court-imposed requirements.
Mateo Alavez, 40, formally received his non-incarceration punishment on Friday, but that may be the least of his worries.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, better known as ICE, has placed a detainer on Alavez requesting local authorities to hold him for an additional 48 hours at the Mercer County Correction Center. ICE wants to assume custody of Alavez to carry out immigration court proceedings, and that process could result in Alavez getting deported from the United States.
Armed with probable cause, Trenton Police Detective Thomas Brophy arrested Alavez on Jan. 4, 2016, charging the defendant with multiple counts of sexual assault against a 14-year-old girl. Authorities locked him up at the county jail on $100,000 full bond or cash bail.
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