that carpetbagger doesn't get that we f'ing MEAN it when we say that we won't go back yto what we had/really didn't have. When the ACA became law and penalties for not signing up in a red, nonparticipating state came around, none of us were very happy. We were hit hard, with penalties for not having insurance... why? Because we couldn't afford it even with the subsidies. When Governor Steve Bullock (D) manged to make Montana a participating state, we poor people were able to get on medicaid, the first time Ive had health insurance in over a decade. I'm now getting exams that I should have had, for a lingering problem that is becoming more of a problem, many years ago. I took out a loan to get some major dental surgery a few years ago...
So Mr Millionaire can go take a flying F at a rolling donut. We rejected him last November and I expect that the same will be taking place this time around. He's got cheato jr out here again this week to waste our time. He must be getting nervous, the DNC (?) just pumped some more cash into the Quist campaign.
Absentee ballots have already arrived in the mail, I sent mine back the same day I got it.