As for the Havens Garden one in southwest Minnesota, I posted before that the Southwest Health and Human Services Department on November 27 rescinded their food license. But then the board of this organization voted to give it back, so it has the food service license again. The board is made up of representatives from 6 counties in the area.
Meanwhile, Havens Garden got something from Minnesota Department of Health a couple days ago taped on her door/window "Order to Cease Activity" and "all food and beverage service activity must cease until violations are corrected and approved by the Minnesota Department of Health ... and a video that I had trouble hearing where she read the letter.
But she's ignoring that because its "unconstitutional" and violates her freedom and is standing up against tyranny, and a mandate is not a law and on and on with the tropes. She's still open, including tonight (Friday 12/11) 8 pm - 11 pm.
There's still time to drive out there. And hell why not drive drunk (without a seat belt of course), there's nothing in the constitution about that, and freedom! As long as I don't hurt anyone that matters. (sarc)
Edited to Add - the Southwest Health and Human Services Department gave no reason for reinstating the license. Despite on their website that one of their responsibilities is to prevent the spreading of disease, according to Bring Me The News. No doubt a lot of pressure put on them by this "real American" part of the state.