I am counting on some burnout.
While we may have started ours very early, (most likely during prior to the election) it seems to be inevitable.
Trump's ingrained methods of manipulation are becoming repetitive and they rely on being shocking and unexpected, mostly. He springs them on people, reporters and in his vomitorium or tweets regularly and since it is out in public it can lose its tang. No matter how many tricks he now has in the bag, they are getting more obvious and rather stale to boot.
So, you can add that to the mix of factors that are cremating his snake oil concession stands. We can contribute to that burnout by looking at the how of Trump, not the why. He has several vulnerable points and obvious tactics to exploit or call out. There is a strategy to be found here if we wake up from the persuasive, orange spell.
It is like the "wall" he promoted. It isn't real. An illusory wall is a great metaphor in this case. You just realize that it is a symbolic crux of his deception and get the punch line. We can figuratively walk right though it now and the jig is up.